11 - No to Fuchs; cookies and phonies are a dime a dozen and very easy to find. Allowing Fuchs would be one more thing for everyone to have to buy in order to keep up with those running Fuchs.
12 - No to aftermarket wheels. I know there's a disadvantage to the phone dials, but I think that allowing any aftermarket wheel to give people an option to offset this disadvantage just opens up a can of worms. As has already been stated, the location of weight on a wheel can greatly affect it's performance, and the possibility of having a dozen different wheels out there can severely unbalance the class if it causes an arms race of everyone trying to find the best wheel that makes weight. I don't think we want to start having to worry about weighing everyone's wheels and checking their track width in tech every time somebody shows up with a new wheel.
13 - No; just because E30 and Miata run the narrower tire isn't enough reason for us to give up grip, IMO - even if it would save some money. The 225 RA1 has proven to be a good tire in a good size for these cars.
14 - Yes; 225 is a known, good size for us, and there's no real reason not to let people burn up their existing R888's in-region.