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Steering wheel quick releases - best value/$?
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TOPIC: Steering wheel quick releases - best value/$?

Re: Steering wheel quick releases - best value/$? 14 years, 2 months ago #9135

For thickness comparisons (get your mind out of the gutter), we're talking steering wheel QRs:

LTB listed as 3"
NRG (pull release type) listed as 2.45"
Rogue Engineering listed as 2.25"

NRG does make a twist unlock type that is 1.25" but online reports are sketchy and I don't like the twist type.

Re: Steering wheel quick releases - best value/$? 14 years, 2 months ago #9140

  • GaryM05
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 100
That looks like a good QR - let us know how you like it once you get it installed!

For the wheel/seating position relation, it's possible to get spacers to move the wheel closer to you, in case your wheel ends up not having quite enough of a dish. Also, small changes in seating position (particularly the incline of the seat) can have a big effect on how well or poorly your controls fit you.
Snyder Motorsports #10 944 Spec

Re: Steering wheel quick releases - best value/$? 14 years ago #9528

What about the OG Racing quick release? Wouldnt that be the cheapest non-welded alternative since you dont have to buy the separate adapter? Anyone have experience with these?

Note that you can buy adapters to bolt Grant steering wheels onto Momo 6 bolt quick relases so you can get a decent wheel for $75 instead of $275.
NASA Texas Competition Director
Texas 944Spec Director
National CMC Director

Re: Steering wheel quick releases - best value/$? 14 years ago #9534

If you don't already have the adapter, that might be a good way to go. I can't tell from the picture on OG Racing whether it is the "pull type" (good) or twist or single pin (bad). If it is the pull type, that is probably the most cost effective way to go from a stock steering wheel to an aftermarket wheel with quick release in a 944.

I did install the Rogue Engineering release and I'm impressed. Very well made and zero play. The wheel is close now but I like it and I think my setup will work well - particularly with manual steering.

Re: Steering wheel quick releases - best value/$? 14 years ago #9543

  • Robbie
  • Junior Racer
  • The dread pirate
  • Posts: 51
The OG Racing QR is a pull type, but require a deep dished wheel to work on an early/924s car. I ended up sending mine back.
1987 924S #5 NASA RM
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