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Alignment Specs
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TOPIC: Alignment Specs

Re:Alignment Specs 15 years, 10 months ago #4199

dmdirks wrote:

Assuming an R888:

Zero / +1/16 each side (+1/8 total)
-3.2 / -2.2
Max (not much) / No

This setup gave me very good tire wear last season & consistent temps across the tire.

For RA-1's i used the following that is in the ball park with Dirks

Front / Rear

Toe 0 / 1/16 per side toe in (1/8 total)
Camber -3.5/-2.5
Caster ?? Max

I do my own aligment and can get camber and toe pretty easy athouhg being more accurate than 1/16 is tough with strings.

Camber is pretty easy to do.

Caster is near impossible for me to measure, but I have what I can get.

Now for the R888 I think the car works better with slightly less camber. I tried this last event and it seemed good, but we were not at out home "baseline" track so I can't be sure how good it really was. Next race there is early may and that should be a good test on the revised camber.

Even so starting with what I have or Dirks has is close enough to be decient. From there you will need to adjust and tweak to fine what works best for you.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002
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