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Perplexing Dyno Results
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TOPIC: Perplexing Dyno Results

Re: Perplexing Dyno Results 9 years, 6 months ago #19608

  • afonseca
  • Junior Racer
  • Posts: 75
I finally had a chance to grab some data from the car's logger which was running during all the dyno tests performed. This gives us valuable information about the temperatures we've been discussing and can back up my claim that the car was up to temp per the rules, particularly with respect to the compliance test on Friday.

List of timestamped tests recorded:

Isolated Friday run showing each pull via RPM graph and associated Oil and Water temp charts with min and max for each.

Comparison between the Friday test and the first Sunday test. Note: Oil temp on Friday was actually higher while water temps were fairly close.

Comparison between the Friday test and the second Sunday test. Note: Oil temp this time is higher on the second Sunday test than on Friday but both well over 160.

These screenshots have been uploaded at full size to the same Dropbox folder with the dyno sheets below:
Dyno Sheets on Dropbox

#44 Alberto Fonseca
? Region
Last Edit: 9 years, 6 months ago by afonseca.
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