rd7839 wrote:
When I changed from phone dials to cookie cutters I picked up a full second at Thunderhill, same weekend so there is a big difference in performance.
The weight of the early offset phone dial versus the late offset phone dial is not the same. Both phone dials are also slightly heavier than the cookie cutter.
The only consolidated source of wheel weights I have found is at the below link, no telling how accurate it is based on wheel coating, paint, grime, etc but it about matches what I have been able to research elsewhere although I was under the impression that the early offset phonie was heavier than the late offset phonie, and both are heavier than the cookie.
Early Offset Cookie Cutter: 6.9 kg (15.21 lbs)
Early Offset Phone Dial: 7.4 kg (16.31 lbs)
Late Offset Phone Dial: 7.0 kg (15.43 lbs)