OK, this is getting more fussy than need be, but lets use the dynos done Nationals for comparison, not the ones done later, after more tuning, and a change to thinner oil.
At Nationals, we changed out computers on the dyno to check for compliance. We did find one aftermarket chip doing this (honest mistake/lack of due dilligence, but DQ'd nonetheless)
The cahmpionship car made between 140.5 & 141.5 and the same TQ depending on which ECU was in.
The second place car made between 135-136 HP, and 138 TQ depending on which ECU was in.
The .5HP quote is apples to oranges.
If you want to see what that looks like, look here:
https://vimeo.com/49207880#t=436 Dan's car is the blue & white one in 3rd. Camera car is the eventual second place car. The green car is the championship winning car. [The shorter/edited version went belly up on Vimeo, sorry]