Guys, it is that time again, to go over the rules, and see what needs, updating, has evolved, or future problems that may prompt rewording of the rules.
Reasoning for change MUST include at least 1 of the following:
---------->a) Will decrease series cost because…
---------->b) Will increase series growth because…
---------->c) Will improve competition because…
---------->d) Will provide more clarity because...
---------->e) Will improve reliability because...
HINT – Requests which score points in multiple categories will have better chances of being accepted than those which score points in 1 category (or worse yet, go against the reasonings above.)
Notice that "this will work out better for me" is not on the list!
Two things to keep in mind:
Lets keep this civil. We are all passionate about this sport, but rules change requests and respnses need to be kept practical, and level headed. Personal attacks, or inappropriate comments will be moderated.
Try and keep the big picture in mind. For example, a particular rules change might makeyour new build easier/cheaper/faster. However, if it causes the rest of the class to have to go back and redo something on all of their cars, it may not be the best thing for the class as a whole. The "burdon of proof", so to speak, is on the new proposal, not justifying the existing rules.