joepaluch wrote:
The issues of spinning rod bearings is complex...
Great summary of the issue, Joe. I should have mentioned that I agree that #2 gets the least oil and it is the most commonly effected when there is a problem.
Sterling Doc wrote:
ISV / Auxillary air valve can be deleted or disabled. Associated lines must be plugged if deleted. It is recommended to maintain factory idle control.
Sounds good, but why is it recommended to retain? Is the deletion of the venturi valve covered under updating and back dating? I don't believe the 88's had the venturi.
Sterling Doc wrote:
BJ, this is interesting. Anyone ever had a flow bench on a 6R vs 8R head? My motor at Nationals had a max shaved 6R head, and it made great torque, but really fell off at high RPM vs. the cars with 8R heads. I'm not sure my results are typical, but they seem to fit with your theory.
OK, just rummaged through the heads in the shop. 6R heads are off of 83's (all the 6R's I have have an 82 casting date). On the 8R heads, not only are in intake ports larger, but the exhaust ports are larger. I never took the time to measure the difference in CC's though.
There's a lot of data to support my theory about power:
1. Decking to minimum will retard the cam timing.
2. Retarding cam timing moves the torque curve higher in the RPM range, and thus peak power occurs later.
3. To make power at higher RPMs, you have to have the air flow to support it.
4. The 6R head has lower volume ports which should lead to less total CFM.
5. Choking the intake increases torque.
This would explain why the motor makes great tq, but not top end hp. To confirm all this, your dyno would be helpful. The peak tq should be higher than stock. Also, your should see the A/F getting richer as RPMs increase. If both these things are true, we have a pretty good explanation of what is going on.
Assuming everything above is true, your motor would really benefit from advancing the timing one tooth. This would move the torque curve and peak hp lower. This should be optimal for the minimum thickness 6R head. I would guess that peak tq would stay about the same, but you might pickup as much as 5 hp. With that kind of curve, you would have fewer usable revs, though. I would expect to shift at 6k or before, not redline.