I want to be able to fix this. This defofmity happens on every 944 I've worked on that is raced hard. Maybe it only occurs on cars with monoball type castor blocks, not sure. I dont want to just heat it up and bend it back to original position, that will weaken the metal and it will happen again. I want to make a plate of .125 inck steel plate with a rectangular steel block welded to it, drilled and tapped to accept 12mm bolts instead of 10mm. This will eliminate the problem of the caged nuts getting stripped.
Cut out the section of the stock sheet metal where the caged 10mm nuts are. The rectangular block will fit inside this hole, then the plate will be welded to the existing sheet metal of the frame rail. I realize this will move the mounting point of the castor block 1/8 inch closer to the ground there by slightly changing suspension geometry but I dont think it will have any effect, adverse or enhanced on how the car performs. It will decrease cost as the only real alternative is a new unbent uni-body, and will increase reliability as, if done correctly, should never require further repair.
I also would like to run GT Racings sunroof delete panel as my fabricator wants about the same amount of money to make me a aluminum replacement that will look nice, but I know I'll get shot down on that one even though the original panel is fiberglass. I'm a mechanic, not a fabricator. I dont want to just sheetmetal screw a piece of aluminum to the roof, it looks like sh!t.