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my PMP setup.
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NASA Rocky Mountain Region

TOPIC: my PMP setup.

Re:my PMP setup. 16 years, 10 months ago #816

Funny, I just saw this post and a co-incidently just got a personal e-mail asking what I thought about setting a car up for a road course using a different set up left to right. Like Joe said, I don't think so.

There are several different alignments you can use and do well with, however, I think when it comes to the physics of a car, you might need to stick to the basics. This is not gospel, it's just what makes sense to me and seems to work for my driving style.

For me: When going in a straight line, it is important to have as close to four EQUAL contact patches with four equal weights on each contact patch as possible. Reason: Under threshold braking, the less equal those patches are, the more squirly you will become, thus loosing the greatest passing power a 135hp car can have, which happens to be braking!!! Somebody mentioned in a post awhile ago that their car was twichy under braking, there could be several reasons, just a couple might be (1)brakes (duh) (2)different cambers, toes etc..left to right (3) constantly loaded sway bar even when they shouldn't be (4)bad tires (5)and probably one of the most popular, a bad cross weight balance in your car. To corner balance properly, (a)with out your sway bars dis-connected and driving your car onto scales, not lifting and then dropping onto scale, but build ramps and drive the car up, the front right wheel weight plus the rear left wheel weight should equal the front left wheel weight plus the rear right wheel weight. Then reconnect the sway bars and make sure there is no load on them.

You can only be as smooth as your car will allow you to be and vise versa, so when transitioning from left turns to right turns, when inducing some drift and when really hard on the brakes....equal side to side I think is a good thing.

That would be so cool if you would all come to Phoenix and let us entertain you! Let's get through MMP and start working in that trip for the winter.

Norman #99
Last Edit: 16 years, 10 months ago by norman#99.
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