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RM car numbers for 2009 all 30+ of them !
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NASA Rocky Mountain Region

TOPIC: RM car numbers for 2009 all 30+ of them !

Re:RM car numbers for 2009 all 30+ of them ! 16 years, 5 months ago #2287

cullenwinter wrote:
I think the real bottom line is that if running the number plates (and other stickers) gets us the sponsorship deal(s) to pass on to new car builds and contingency for the group, to grow fields of 3 dozen cars, they are way effective

yep that's my bottom line . well said Cullen.

"3 dozen" that just sounds great ! how about 4 dozen

Re:RM car numbers for 2009 all 30+ of them ! 16 years, 5 months ago #2304

  • Philé
  • Junior Racer
  • have your people call my people.
  • Posts: 62
Chuck, can I give the 85 to Rob since he's been racin' longer than I? I could do the 185, my PCA number... yes, no?

also i peeked at season standings and I'm 10th (!!!)... does CDOC do something for the season or just each race?


Re:RM car numbers for 2009 all 30+ of them ! 16 years, 5 months ago #2307

So far with the Hanksville plates we only have 2 digit numbers. If the group goes with a larger plate then 3 digits would be fine. As of now with Hanksville we are limited to 2 digits so the 85 is yours or you can give it to Rob.

we will be having a chat with hank to see what he wants to do next year.
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