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Another Texas build project started
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TOPIC: Another Texas build project started

Re: Another Texas build project started 13 years, 11 months ago #10121

Putting my Rules hat on what is use for the pedal extensions?

The reason I as I because we have traditonally allowed 1/4 thick pedal covers for guys wanted bigger pedals for heel & toe. However these are quite thick and I fear they are being used in effort to move the driver farther back in the car.

The father the driver sits back in th car the better weight distribution. These cars start about 50/50, but after stripping the car we take more weight from the rear so they got 52/48. Moving the driver back is good. Take a look at alot of probuilt touring car racers any many appear to sit in the back seat.

So I don't really believe it is legal to add in steering wheel spacer/deep dish wheel and pedal exentions. Seems to me like you are trying to move the driver aft to get better weight distribution rather than just making it comfortable in the car.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002
Last Edit: 13 years, 11 months ago by joepaluch.

Re: Another Texas build project started 13 years, 11 months ago #10126

This is an issue we'll need to clarify. I can see that with halo seats, and increasing concern about the safety of sliders (SCCA has essentially banned them for this year d/t safety concerns), that a point can be made for the need for this for emergency egress issues, especially for shorter drivers. Joe's point is well taken, though, and there will likely be limits set on this. Be advised...
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd

Re: Another Texas build project started 13 years, 11 months ago #10127

  • cgktexas
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 155
For me, my thoughts behind this were strictly based on comfort and safety.
I am running a halo seat and I am 6'1" but I have a longer torso rather than longer legs.
I am working on getting my seat mount fitted to allow for reasonable egress, keep my head a distance from any bars, and still allow for full pedal movement and keeping my knees bent. The pads are removable if they need to come out. When I was researching building the car, I came across mention of using some pedal spacers/extensions to allow for this very purpose and didn't note any comments against this. Using a wheel spacer/dished wheel for me is more about ergonomics than shifting weight. Getting the arms bent properly (no juan fangio steering).
Initial seat fitting had the seat fairly close to the stock mounts, but not final yet. Moving the seat back within the drivers floor area shouldn't make a huge amount of difference due to being close to the center line, but can make a huge difference in safety and ergonomics.
Curt King
Flying Penguin Racing
an OtterHouseProduction (
Rockwall, TX
#14 1987 944 Spec - in work (and getting closer)
For His Glory Ministry
Lake Pointe Church
Upper Room Dallas
Autism Speaks

Re: Another Texas build project started 13 years, 11 months ago #10129

If a rule is imposed in this area, it should discuss where to mount the seat (how far back is legal). Otherwise, you give the advantage by default to guys who are tall enough to mount the seat far back and still reach everything.

However, this is a tough call because you don't want to make rules so tall guys can't get enough room.

Glad I don't make the rules

Re: Another Texas build project started 13 years, 11 months ago #10131

  • cgktexas
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 155
I would think with a 20* layback seat, the rear seat area, and the location of the main hoop of the cage, you are pretty limited how far back you can go anyway.
But as I said, moving any weight was not my intention in the first place, just safety and comfort/ergonomics.
What I have seen so far with test fitting the seat, even using the extensions, the halo still encroaches the window opening...just trying to keep that at a minimum. I also cant go too far back with the seat or I am not in a good position to shift well, or reach any switches on the dash while strapped in. The whole goal for me is to have a well rounded driving position, allowing full and adequate use of the controls, while making the car as relatively safe as I can.
Not bolting the seat to the floor...always been dead set against that, but still trying to keep it as low as possible to keep my head away from the cage.
Curt King
Flying Penguin Racing
an OtterHouseProduction (
Rockwall, TX
#14 1987 944 Spec - in work (and getting closer)
For His Glory Ministry
Lake Pointe Church
Upper Room Dallas
Autism Speaks
Last Edit: 13 years, 11 months ago by cgktexas.

Re: Another Texas build project started 13 years, 11 months ago #10141

  • cgktexas
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 155
the measurement on the extensions were .8"

These ones would get me in the back seat
Curt King
Flying Penguin Racing
an OtterHouseProduction (
Rockwall, TX
#14 1987 944 Spec - in work (and getting closer)
For His Glory Ministry
Lake Pointe Church
Upper Room Dallas
Autism Speaks
Moderators: joepaluch, tcomeau, KLR
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