Simon wrote:
Hi all,
I am a student automotive engineering working on my thesis about the suspension of the 944 (type2/late).
For this I need to use a datalogger system (AIM Evo4) to log suspension movement but also RPM and speed.
I was wondering if anybody could point me in a direction for how to measure those two?
On the Trackvision gallery ( there is a movie from Jon Ariano who uses an AIM logger which shows RPM and speed.
Does anybody have any experience with getting RPM and speed hooked-up to an AIM datalogger?
Can I use the gearbox/tacho signal or should I just use a wheelspeed signal from the ABS?
Hope you can help me.
Best regards,
Can't speak to the AIM system specifically, but for RPM on my Traqmate, I just connected it to the ignition signal wire going from the DME to the ignition coil. It's Pin #1 on the DME wiring connector.
For speed, I would just use the datalogger's own calculation... that's going to be simpler and more accurate than any vehicle speed sensor, which would require you to work out how volts or pulses relate to MPH, and it would still be affected by wheel spin/slip and such.