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Need 30mm torsion bar reference measurement
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TOPIC: Need 30mm torsion bar reference measurement

Re:Need 30mm torsion bar reference measurement 15 years ago #6812

I set up the rear suspension last night. I used both of the measurements earlier in the thread - 6" from the spring plate up to the curved support using a square on the spring plate and about 9" to the center of the hub from the end of the curved support. When using the 6" method with the square, my 6" is sitting the square on the slightly raised portion of the spring plate. As the plate nears the attachment point for the trailing arm, it curves up and levels out again. I set my squre on that level surface even with the end of the spring plate. At that point, it is between 6" and 6 1/8" to the curved support.

My engine and front suspsension are out so I don't have exact weight or final ride height in the car yet but preliminary results look pretty close. I measure about 24.5" from the center of the fender lip to the ground.

I've got to pull my old ride height measurements but that seems about right to me. My eccentrics are centered so there should be a little up or down ability from there.
Moderators: joepaluch, tcomeau, KLR
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