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924S and wheels
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TOPIC: 924S and wheels

Re:924S and wheels 17 years ago #97

I am using phone dials on the 924S I am building and it looks like there is room for wheel spacers. It is my understanding that they are allowed. Is this correct and if so, how wide are they allowed to be?

Re:924S and wheels 17 years ago #99

944leigh wrote:
I am using phone dials on the 924S I am building and it looks like there is room for wheel spacers. It is my understanding that they are allowed. Is this correct and if so, how wide are they allowed to be?

Rules allow the follwing.
14.2 Track Width
The maximum track width for all cars shall not exceed the stock 944 width of 58.1 inches in the
front and 57.1 inches in the rear. The 924S models may increase stock width by use of updated
suspension components or adding spacers providing that the tires do not touch the fenders or
springs at any point in the suspension travel.

16.1.2 Fenders and wheel openings shall remain unmodified. The front fender liners may be
removed. Front and rear wheel fender opening lips may be rolled inward to maximize tire/wheel
clearance. ADVISORY: This may be necessary for the 924S at the maximum track width.

What this means is that 924S cars may run spacers to gain track,BUT the tires must still fit under the fenders. You may roll or trim the INSIDE of the fender, but may not change the outside profile of the fender. It must appear stock from the outside. I do not know how much spacer you can run before you have no more fender clearance although I think you can get 5-10mm spacer to work. Even so the no car may exceed the max track width numbers posted above for any reason.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002

Re:924S and wheels 17 years ago #100

  • whaxed
  • Drivers Ed
  • Posts: 16
Thanks for all the info, guys!

Re:924S and wheels 17 years ago #146

  • bay924s
  • Comp School
  • Posts: 30
How are track width measurements taken?
Steve Huey
Norcal #106 and sometimes #95 1/2
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