If you're cutting the hose:
Take some duct tape and wrap it around the hose where you want to cut it. Use a high speed cutting wheel to slice right through the hose. Remove the tape and you'll be left with a nicely cut off braid & hose.
Don't push back the braid! Also be sure to clean out the hose with some compressed air after cutting.
Lightly coat the barb and the inside of the hose with some motor oil to facilitate the installation of the hose onto the barb. It's a pain to get it all the way onto the barb, but it's do-able. Be sure to tighten the nut to the proper clearance to the fitting. That number should come with the fitting...if not, look it up. Try Earl's.
Be very careful with the mating surfaces of those aluminum AN fittings! Just a little scratch or bit of crud in between and they'll leak. Ask how I know.