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TOPIC: Ballast?

Re: Ballast? 13 years, 11 months ago #10107

B1BFlyer wrote:
Couldn't you also add cross bracing to the rear of your cage as long as the additional tubing doesn't add any contact points?

I could, but that would put the weight higher than the extra fuel would.

OT: I have a new plan for your car...give me a call.

sagoston wrote:
If you haven't already, it's time to invest in a cool suit system. Not only does it help keep you cool, the cooler can be placed in a couple of desirable locations.

Now that's a good suggestion. It's interesting that there is nothing in the rules about installing additional equipment such as radios and cool suits--maybe it's covered in the CCR? I could install a large cool suit cooler in the rear passenger side floor board. That must weigh a few pounds when filled with water and ice.

I also have a fire suppression system to install. It doesn't weight a lot, but would help.

Thanks guys!


Re: Ballast? 13 years, 11 months ago #10108

  • B1BFlyer
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 111
I definitely agree that the weight would be high by adding it to the cage and not ideal. I was just throwing BJ another option since he wanted weight over the rear axle.

Personally I'm content with ballast low on the floorpan since every time I drive with passenger, I notice a significant improvement in corner stability.
Ryan Peterson
Abilene, TX
924s, #21

Oversteer scares passengers, understeer scares drivers.
Last Edit: 13 years, 11 months ago by B1BFlyer.

Re: Ballast? 13 years, 11 months ago #10110

B1BFlyer wrote:
Personally I'm content with ballast low on the floorpan since every time I drive with passenger, I notice a significant improvement in corner stability.

I agree, even though I have my car corner balanced for just me, I think it feels better with a passenger and a near full tank of gas.

The problem is, the ballast location is forward of the passenger weight. The seats in the car sit right over the center line.


Re: Ballast? 13 years, 11 months ago #10113

Big Dog wrote:
Put your car on scales and see what the affect is of adding your ballast in the legal position. It is not as far rearward as you would like but is still better, IMO, than weight that moves around during cornering, braking, etc.

Agreed. I'm going to through it on the scales and play with weight placement. That should tell me a lot.

Big Dog wrote:
...and between the axles is better than higher and behind them. For that reason, putting the spare tire back in is a poor solution.

This isn't always true. I've seen many cases where adding weight to the end of the car is beneficial. The biggest problem with the spare is that it adds the weight relatively high--higher than additional fuel in fact.

An example of using weight at the end of a car to improve handling is the BMW E30 Convertible. That was the first convertible BMW had made in 50 years. They wanted it to handle as well as the coupe. In the back passenger corner of the trunk there is a 50 lbs (yep 50!) weight. This was added there to improve the handling. It is actually called a suspension component.

Big Dog wrote:
At the end of the day, how much it matters I do not know. It matters some but????? The driver is more important than much of what we do to our cars so the important thing is to do what gives you confidence and go out and have FUN!

Agreed. Honestly I think with the limited suspension and aero on our Spec cars, a lot of these things aren't worth a lot. I still need more work on the driver than I do on the car.


Re: Ballast? 13 years, 11 months ago #10117

IF you don't already have a passenger seat, put one in.
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd

Re: Ballast? 13 years, 11 months ago #10118

Sterling Doc wrote:
IF you don't already have a passenger seat, put one in.

Yeah, that's good for 20+ lbs. I guess I could just leave it in, now. I get tired taking it in and out for races vs HPDEs, but that was when I was over weight. I've pulled 104 lbs out so far and I still have the heater core installed. I should be 30-40 lbs under, now. can't wait to get this car back on the scales!

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