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2012 Nationals information
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TOPIC: 2012 Nationals information

2012 Nationals information 12 years, 6 months ago #13561

I sent this letter out to all Nationals Participants:


It is now just over two weeks until we participate in the fabulous experience of "living the life" of a racing driver during the week of Nationals! Most of you are returning drivers from last year so much of this will be familiar, but there are some important points and times in this email so please read it carefully.

First, some staff introductions:

I will be you Series Director for the event. I am in charge of car and class questions, and off-track organization. I will be located, along with most of the rest of you, in the middle paddock. I will be in spaces B&C 1 (see image below), with a rented travel trailer. Those of you who have joined in in the group paddock will be close to that area. Spaces B&C 5&6 will be occupied by the Spec Z contingent, so please do not take up those spots if you arrive early. Most of you also know my wife Linda as an instrumental part of the workings of 944 Spec. Linda has been granted official/administrative credentials for this event, and will be fully up to speed on the goings on each day. She will be directly involved in organizing and directing events through the weekend. Technical decisions and advice should be directed to me, only, however.

Like last year, we welcome Dave Lang from NASA's Northern California region as our Race Director for the week. Dave will handle all issues and questions regarding on track conduct and race results. Let's make Dave's job easy again this year, by continuing the clean, incident-free racing that has become 944 Spec tradition and expectation. Dave and I are proud of our enviable record from last year, and expect that to continue.

Now for some housekeeping:

If you would like to participate in the community water and gatorade coolers, please contribute $30 to the cause. You are certainly welcome to bring your own coolers. The usual snacks will also be available. Know that we cannot provide ice for everyone's cool suit coolers. At $7 a bag it adds up quickly.

Please feel free to come in to our travel trailer and hang out. This will also be the place to be to go over videos, data, and learn about how to navigate the roller coaster we call Mid-Ohio, in the fastest possible way! Nationals is a great place to work on driver development. With an abundance of track time, driver talent & experience, and the unique 944 Spec open attitude to sharing driving tips & data, I expect all of us will make significant gains in speed and skill through the week. This formula will make for the most competitive and fun Championship race of the weekend. With the pace of driver development though the last weekend at Mid-Ohio, I expect the pointy end of the grid will be getting pretty fat!

I again present the "944 Spec Commandments" from last year:

1. Thou shalt act as a sportsman throughout the event, or thou shalt be banished to the end of the grid, or worse, excommunicated!
2. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's 944 Spec,as they are all of a like kind.
3. Thou shalt not commit fratricide on another brother's 944. All intentional or careless carnage will be dealt with swiftly, and with great malice!
4. Thou shalt help another brother in need of help or mechanical bits.
5. Thou shalt keep of video record of all ones on track follies & exploits. Those who forgo this, will do so at the peril of not having their side of the tale heard.
6. Thou shalt be on time to meetings, or designate a proxy in your stead, lest you be an ignorant fool!
7. Thou shalt be on grid with a score of (10) minutes to spare, lest you be held to start from the back, with the peasants.
8. Thou shalt be legal, and fully advised of the 944 Spec Scrolls. And likewise, thou shalt not whine.
9. Thou shalt bring forth one's best effort to prepare thy steed, so that it may serve you reliably, and race with a joyful, well-oiled heart.
10. At this event of sport, to the victor go the spoils.

Make note of the drivers meeting at 7:30AM at NASA Central on Wednesday for the test & tune. You will be expected to be there if you are running the test and tune day. Also, set your alarms for the Drivers Welcome gathering in Bluff Tent next to TOYO Trailer/Grid at 5:00 PM Wednesday, immediately followed by the Mandatory Driver's Meeting at 6:00PM.

There is a banquet on Thursday evening at the Ohio State Reformatory. Linda & I will be attending Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased at NASA. Advanced tickets are required. Tours are at 6 & 8, and dinner is served from 6:30-8. See Flyer here.

Contact Information:

Eric Kuhns - (815) 535-3790 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Linda Kuhns - (815) 441-5655
Dave Lang - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Eric Kuhns
# 80 944 Spec
NASA 944 Spec National Director
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd
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