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If 944Spec Were a Beer...
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TOPIC: If 944Spec Were a Beer...

Re:If 944Spec Were a Beer... 14 years, 8 months ago #7687

Chris wrote:
Too bad no Lagers otherwise I'd say a Dunkel. Smooth and not heavy, like our cars handling, yet complex enough that they keep you interested.

So how about a Gose? Unfiltered and raw, like our style of racing and drivers. The multitude of flavors and options of spices can represent the wide variety of interesting participants in our class.

Yeah, a Dunkel would be good. Smooth, throaty, and not what people first picture when they think "German beer".

I like the idea! German wheat ale (kinda like I was thinking). The history is quite fitting too. Apparently it is a mostly forgotten beer that is slowly making a resurgence. It also gets looked down on by many German brews for not following the purity rules governing German beer (much like the 944 is accused of not being a "real" Porsche).

cgktexas wrote:
I am originally from that area (Rocklin)... which brewer's shop do you use?

I mostly go to the Original Homebrew Outlet. However, just yesterday I checked out Brewmeister in Folsom, and really liked them. They seemed more knowledgeable, friendlier, and have really low prices on fermentables.
Last Edit: 14 years, 8 months ago by Salanis42.
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