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Wreck at Putnam Park
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TOPIC: Wreck at Putnam Park

Re:Wreck at Putnam Park 15 years, 9 months ago #4428

Hank - the cage held up very well, and was roomy enough that my helmet had no contact with it. Thank you for the thought and attention to detail you put into your cages. The doors open and close with one finger, and none of the door gaps were altered, showing how well the passenger compartment was maintained.

One other option to think about are plates to tie in the cage to the a-pillars. I put those in , and feel it helped maintain the integrity of the car as well. It's a pretty simple and cheap modification. I found I need to put some small holes in he plates to zip-tie the rollcage padding in.

Again, thank you for a quality product!
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd

Re:Wreck at Putnam Park 15 years, 9 months ago #4429

Thank you, Eric. Can you pls email pics of the plates? I know what you mean, but I'd like to see how long, what gauge, etc. Pics of the interior/cage would also be helpful for me to see. I'll also offer these plates as options in the future.
In-house mandrel bender
Custom-fitted, ready-to-weld mail-order 944 cages

Re:Wreck at Putnam Park 15 years, 9 months ago #4442

  • pixrken
  • Moderator
  • NorCal 944-Spec Director
  • Posts: 579
Hi Eric,

Sorry to see, hear this.
Glad you're O.K.!
With Greg's crash last year, we just moved the parts over to another car because it was cheaper than repairing the body.
We usually find 944 rollers, parts car pretty cheap in NorCal but shipping it would be cost prohibited.
If we can assist in anyway please don't hesitate to ask.

Re:Wreck at Putnam Park 15 years, 9 months ago #4446

  • fishguy
  • Comp School
  • Posts: 36
Hanksville Hot Rods wrote:
Thank you, Eric. Can you pls email pics of the plates? I know what you mean, but I'd like to see how long, what gauge, etc. Pics of the interior/cage would also be helpful for me to see. I'll also offer these plates as options in the future.

could you post pictures of these plates here?
I am always interested in beefing up any safety gear.
thanks in advance,

Re:Wreck at Putnam Park 15 years, 9 months ago #4452

Sorry guys, been busy sorting things out. I'll work on taking some more pics soon.

Here's one pic of the plate during the build - just flat stock (don't remember the gauge). The front side of the pillars have a nice surface to weld to. Though another set in back of the pillar would triangulate or box the attachement, it is very hard to fit, and the a-pillar fit is so good/close that there's not much distance to bridge, and one plate does pretty well.

Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd
Last Edit: 15 years, 9 months ago by Sterling Doc.

Re:Wreck at Putnam Park 15 years, 9 months ago #4459

  • Weston
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Destroyer of Chris
  • Posts: 277
Sterling Doc wrote:
I saw sky, grass, then mud as nose dropped and augured in, standing the car staight up on its nose for long enough to wonder if it was going to over, or land on its wheels, before it went over on its roof.

Wow, seeing nothing but sky or ground through the windshield is one of the few crash scenarios that really disturbs me. Sorry to hear about the crash... I'm very glad that the safety gear did it's job, and you are unharmed and in good spirits.
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