joepaluch wrote:
Sterling Doc wrote:
Sounds great. I'd be very interested in this. I'd contact the national office about copyright issue stuff, but I think they'd let us do what we want if it's in good taste.
We 944 spec directors technically own the 944 spec logo so we can use that. Clearly NASA owns the NASA logo. Even so running it by National is probably a good idea if you have plans to make anything more than run of 5-6 for local guys or race car decals for a few. If you plant to turn it into something bigger anyway.
I have absolutely, positively no desire to make this into some big ol' business, I just want to use my networking skills to secure us, the 944-SPEC community, a small assortment of 944-SPEC merchandise. I like patches, hats, t-shirts and stickers and have absolutely, positively NO interest in making any money off of this, I just want to get some stuff for myself and might as well resource it out for others to enjoy too. Regardless, I will shoot an email to National just to make sure I cover my arse. Stay tuned....