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Nationals Sonoma Wreck
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TOPIC: Nationals Sonoma Wreck

Re: Nationals Sonoma Wreck 10 years, 3 months ago #18567

Thanks guys. I'm a slow and methodical builder so a build party probably isn't my ideal but your offers for help are greatly appreciated.

I've got a couple of irons in the fire for replacing the car already. We'll see how it goes...

Re: Nationals Sonoma Wreck 10 years, 3 months ago #18568

Javier and I thank everyone, too. Greg Fordahl's team built our car and we will coordinate with him in the coming weeks.

Re: Nationals Sonoma Wreck 10 years, 3 months ago #18569

Hi guys, I'm a noob but will be racing with you next year if I have time. I'm impressed with this discussion and I'm really glad everyone's ok.
944Racer72, you've shown good restraint, keeping this forum constructive. If there is a build party I would like to know about it, mostly just to meet some of you. I live near Corvallis, OR. Hopefully Javier can join this discussion.
Couple of questions:
Did either of you pull the fire bottle? Did you think about it? Would that have made egress and vision more difficult?
Was there difficulty in un-harnessing and egress?
Why wasn't the race red-flagged immediately?
What were race conditions? Temps, tires, laps...

1973 Porsche 914 2.0
1984 Porsche Carrera 3.2
1989 Porsche 944-spec racecar
Last Edit: 10 years, 3 months ago by gnadenstoss.

Re: Nationals Sonoma Wreck 10 years, 3 months ago #18570

  • tcomeau
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 287
I'm kind of new to 944's but let me know if I can supply any parts, advice, etc.
Tim Comeau
SoCal 944 Spec #22 since Feb 2003.
Let's keep building it!

Re: Nationals Sonoma Wreck 10 years, 3 months ago #18572


Glad you guys were not injured. That was some crash. I thought your roof mounted camera would of been toast.

My old black and blue car is going up for sale. I had planned on making it a 25 hours car but that is no longer in the cards with my current wreck. I was going to ask 6 for it and take 5. You can have it for 3. Let me know if you are interested and I will send you the specs and pictures.
Jim Richmond
Capt Squid

Re: Nationals Sonoma Wreck 10 years, 3 months ago #18573

Thanks everyone!

Jim, I sent you an email about the car. If you don't get anything, I may have a bum address so please let me know. Sounds interesting...

gnadenstoss, I can only speak for myself. I did not pull the fire bottle as nothing was on fire. I did pull the kill switch. My car was right-side-up so my egress was normal except that the door wouldn't fully open but not a big deal.

I can't speak for the red flag question except to say that I thought the emergency response was quick and extremely professional.

Race conditions ~ 75F, clear, ~ 30 mins into a 45 min race. Everything good until it wasn't.
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