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Front Caliper Piston Orientation
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TOPIC: Front Caliper Piston Orientation

Front Caliper Piston Orientation 11 years, 4 months ago #16757

This has been discussed before but I cannot find the post. I am rebuilding a bad front caliper and remember that the raised portion of the piston should be oriented in a certain direction.

Jim Richmond
Capt Squid

Re: Front Caliper Piston Orientation 11 years, 4 months ago #16758

  • Big Dog
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  • Posts: 700
Jim, there is a "void" on about 30/40% of the circumference of the pistion. That void is supposed to be oriented down and toward the rear (rotated) so that it is on a 30 degree angle to the base of the caliper housing.

I have no idea if that makes any sense as it is written and without a picture that is worth a thousand words so I will just keep writing until I get to one thousand words in this post.

If no one else comes up with a link or a picture, if you want to call me I can tell you what I am trying to say. If necessary, I can text you a picture of my $847 Porsche tool that orients the piston correctly. You can make one for $.17 worth of al.

Big Dog
Jim Foxx

Re: Front Caliper Piston Orientation 11 years, 4 months ago #16763

Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd
Last Edit: 11 years, 4 months ago by Sterling Doc.
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