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15x7 et23 ATS Cookie cutters X8- North Carolina
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TOPIC: 15x7 et23 ATS Cookie cutters X8- North Carolina

15x7 et23 ATS Cookie cutters X8- North Carolina 10 years, 8 months ago #17828

As Stated have 8 straight and true ats cookie cutters FS - No centercaps .
Processed as folows:

1) Acid washed cleaned backs-weights and crud removed / lips stripped of the wasted clear coat. quick dust of primer or flat black on centers and back $ 85 ea

2) painted silver with clear coat or traditional polished lip with black spokes.
$110 ea

These sell well on the VW Sambda /Pelican or Ebay sites. Offering them up in process 1 or 2 above.

Ken This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it iphone txt 910.639.9501
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