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1987 Porsche 924S for sale....
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TOPIC: 1987 Porsche 924S for sale....

1987 Porsche 924S for sale.... 12 years, 7 months ago #13407

  • Palmr28
  • Drivers Ed
  • Posts: 15
Hey Guys.

My brother-in-law and I picked up a very nice 924S in Chicago. We are currently looking at getting it up and running (current electrical problem a.k.a mouse chewed on a wire or two).

However, we are looking at selling it to someone with the interest of adding a car to the Spec 944 series. The front seats are pretty beat up, but the rest of the interior is immaculate. Buyer could easily sell interior and make some money back to offset the cost.

WE ARE ASKING $1,800 firm w/ interior.

It is a white body, only a couple of dings (areas you can pound out no problem), has a sun-roof with the '87 motor and the short fifth gearbox, no LSD though first thing I checked

Also has the phone dials needed and would make a great car to race.

Engine has about 100,000 miles on it and the car was stored in a barn for the past 5 years.

I have the full history of what the car has been through from Car fax and from the seller himself (only had 2 previous owners and the logbook is pretty impressive from Virginia and Illinois).

I am just seeing if there is any interest here in the Series for adding a car to the Grid (also this helps me eventually get my own car back up and going).

PM me if you want to see any pictures of the car at all.


Mike Palmer #66 - Midwest Spec 944.

Contact me at palmerracing28 at yahoo dot com; or PM here as well for pictures. Pictures coming soon as well.
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