Jump07 wrote:
This year I want to focus on my Spec car and getting track time and my comp license.
The $1000 I spend on each LeMons race could be 4 track days in my #07 car!
Well the biggest issue with LeMons in a 944 is that you are running time bomb. To be cheap enough to qualify for the $500 limit the car has to be junk. Plus then you can't put too much in to save the car and make it finish. The result is running it and gambling the #2 does not fail.
The sad part is when it does fail you blow up a bottom end. We racers then lose a rebuildable motor forever.
That just makes it harder to race since our supply of cheap parts gets diminished. Plus the cost to build a proper spec car vs LeMons car is not that much different especially when you consider a spec car should last for many seaons where as a LeMons car probably will be hit at least once and stands a good chance of real body damage. So if you started with a worn, but straight tub and rebuildable motor there is a strong chance both will be trash at the end. If you start with junk then the chances of finishing are slim in the first place.
Still LeMons can be a good place to get your feet wet especially for longer endurance racing and team operation. Despite all race and seat time you can get in normal DE ro race weekend the pit planning of and enduro is hard to replicate.