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Court Summerfield memorial
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NASA California North Region Website
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TOPIC: Court Summerfield memorial

Court Summerfield memorial 16 years, 9 months ago #1251

  • Jump07
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 126
Here is the email from Jay Lamm with memorial information for Court Summerfield, the driver who died in the tragic accident at last weekend's 24 Hours of LeMons at Altamont Speedway.
Court was a well known racer in the Northern California grassroots motorsports world. He will be missed.

Hi, Everyone:

I talked to Vicky Summerfield, Court's wife, earlier today. The plans for Court's memorial service have just been finalized, and she asked me to pass the details to all of his friends (of which I'm finding he had tons) and fellow racers.

The service will take place at 2:00 pm Monday, May 19th, at the Grand Pavilion (also called Grand View Pavilion) in Alameda. The address is 300 Island Drive.

Everyone's welcome; just come out and show how you feel. (If you get a chance, you might also shoot me a quick email with your group's head-count. If the numbers prove really big, the Pavilion may want to prep extra space.) All of us from the Emeryville gang will be going, of course. Hope to see you there.

BTW, the support for Court's Memorial Fund has been amazing; at times, I've been unable to write the thank-you emails fast enough. I'm deeply, deeply touched at the way that this group has pulled together so selflessly and loyally. Thanks to everyone for being...well, just a big bunch of damn good people. If you're not able to be at the service, I know that your thought will be with us.

Jay Lamm, Founder
Jeremy Mathews
1985 944 #07
2003 GMC 1500 Sierra Z71
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