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24 Hours of LeMons May 10-11 2008
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TOPIC: 24 Hours of LeMons May 10-11 2008

Re:24 Hours of LeMons May 10-11 2008 16 years, 9 months ago #1197

Hey Jeremy,
Sorry to hear about your motor ending your race early but did all your teammates get to drive out on the track? What was your first impression going out there? Hope you had a good time and learned something. I know I did.
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Re:24 Hours of LeMons May 10-11 2008 16 years, 9 months ago #1198

  • Jump07
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 126
We all got turns driving. THAT was my biggest fear...that someone would be left without a turn after putting in $400-500 and a lot of time and energy. It was a total blast! I hope the LeMons will continue.
We had overheating problems early every 6-8 laps we'd have to pit it and work it out. We finally hardwired the fans directly to the battery, which solved that problem. The head gasket was leaking...and I slammed the oil pan really hard on one turn that had a dip in it. I think that spelled the end...
While our 1986 Camry was seriously out gunned and pathetic...we DID learn a lot about what to do for next time. We need more power, better handling and a 5-speed! Our Camry was an automatic...and that sucked! We all agreed that next time we'd get maybe a rotary powered RX7 or similar.
I was still able to bang fenders and take out a couple of cars before the engine died. I knocked a BMW of the track at one point...and caused a Plymouth Fury to lock 'em up and go into a tire wall. He was trying to go around me on the outside of a big left coming into a tight right turn...I held the inside line and he had to lock the brakes and had nowhere to go but into the tires.
One of my teammates, Jove, got t-boned by a Ford Ranger and had the back door caved in right behind the drivers seat.
WAY too much fun! I am so bummed that I didn't get more time. We are committed to doing it again.
Jeremy Mathews
1985 944 #07
2003 GMC 1500 Sierra Z71

Re:24 Hours of LeMons May 10-11 2008 16 years, 9 months ago #1201

Just take what you learned about driving in traffic and take that with you when you join us in NASA 944 Spec racing but please leave the offroading and body contact behind.
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Re:24 Hours of LeMons May 10-11 2008 16 years, 9 months ago #1202

  • Jump07
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 126
It was great to be in aggressive wheel-to-wheel action. It's amazing how close you can get without contact.
Yeah...people at work thought I drove my 944 at the race. Their eyes got huge when I was mentioning the contact and the blowing up of the engine. They thought I was nuts!
Jeremy Mathews
1985 944 #07
2003 GMC 1500 Sierra Z71
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